Routing #: 3211-7725-6 Routing Number Triangle


Message From the President

The San Mateo City Employees Federal Credit Union operates on the foundation of trust and respect for it’s members. This institution was created by employees and continues to serve employees, retirees and their family members with the goal of providing exclusive, lifetime benefits in a convenient manner while maintaining our history of offering the highest dividend rates (interest) of any of our competition. All income after operating expenses and reserve allocations is returned to you via higher dividends and great loan rates.

The Board of Directors, as members of the San Mateo Family are committed to insuring that we provide exceptional customer service and sound financial guidance to help our members prosper. As shareholders of the credit union, we never forget that you are an owner and we encourage your input in making this institution more convenient and responsive to your needs. Your input will always matter.

In the coming year look to us to improve our responsiveness as we transition to the world of on-line banking, making it easier for each of you to monitor your shares, transfer funds, apply for loans, and seek information that will benefit you and your families in numerous ways.

Credit Union Staff

Steve Yoshifuji Manager (650) 522-7072

Phil Kawakami Staff Member (650) 522-7070

Dennis Pawl Staff Member (650) 522-7070

Board of Directors

BIll Euchner President, Board of Directors

Drew Corbett Vice President

Steve Yoshifuji Treasurer

Janie Berry Interim Secretary

Abby Veeser At-Large

Supervisory Committee

Judy Grosey Committee Member

Julie Dalton Committee Member

Teresa Abrahamson Committee Member

Sandra Council Committee Chairperson